Travel English|Lantern Festival


正月十五灯节,也叫元宵节,是在中国和其他亚洲国家庆祝的节日,时间在农历新年第一个月(元月)的第15天纪念先祖的日子。Lantern Festival, also called Yuan Xiao Festival, holiday celebrated in China and other Asian countries that honours deceased ancestors on the 15th day of the first month (Yuan) of the lunar calendar. 

元宵节的目的是增进人与人之间的和谐、和睦和谅解。The Lantern Festival aims to promote reconciliation, peace, and forgiveness.

这个节日标志着农历新年的第一个满月和中国农历新年的结束。The holiday marks the first full moon of the new lunar year and the end of the Chinese New Year. 

元宵佳节期间,家家户户都挂满了五颜六色的灯笼,灯笼上常常写着谜语, 如果猜中了谜语,猜对者将获得一份小礼物。During the festival, houses are festooned with colourful lanterns, often with riddles written on them; if the riddle is answered correctly, the solver earns a small gift.

元宵节庆祝活动还有舞狮、舞龙、游行和烟花。Festival celebrations also include lion and dragon dances, parades, and fireworks.

元宵节那天,人们会品尝包着水果和坚果馅的小糯米圆子,叫做元宵或汤圆。  Small glutinous rice balls filled with fruits and nuts, called yuanxiao or tangyuan, are eaten during the festival.

元宵圆圆的形状象征着家庭的和睦团结。The round shape of the balls symbolizes wholeness and unity within the family.  

元宵节的起源大概在汉朝(公元前206年到公元220年),当时佛教僧侣会在农历的十五日点灯纪念佛祖。The Lantern Festival may originate as far back as the Han dynasty (206 BCE to 220 CE), when Buddhist monks would light lanterns on the 15th day of the lunar year in honour of the Buddha.

这一仪式后来被普通百姓所接受,并在中国和亚洲其他地区传播开来。The rite was later adopted by the general population and spread throughout China and other parts of Asia.

关于这个节日起源的传说讲述了玉皇大帝)的故事,相传有个人杀了玉皇大帝的鹅,引起了玉帝对全城百姓的震怒。A legend concerning the festival’s origin tells the tale of the Jade Emperor (You Di), who became angered at a town for killing his goose. 

他计划用火摧毁这座城镇。这时,有一位仙女告诉全城百姓,在玉帝准备火烧全城的这天,家家户户都点亮灯笼。He planned to destroy the town with fire, but he was thwarted by a fairy who advised the people to light lanterns across the town on the appointed day of destruction. 

玉皇大帝看到四处通明的火光,还以为这座城镇早已被火焰吞没。The emperor, fooled by all the light, assumed the town was already engulfed in flames.

小镇幸免于难,出于感激,人们每年的这一天都会在镇上提着五颜六色的灯笼来纪念这一事件。  The town was spared, and in gratitude the people continued to commemorate the event annually by carrying colourful lanterns throughout the town.




发布时间:2023/2/5 1:34:43



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